The culture and the knowledge organization: theoretical and methodological challenges

  • Luiz Cardoso Rodrigues Anderson IBICT/UFRJ. Instituto COPPEAD de Administração/UFRJ
Keywords: Culture, Polirepresentation, Faceted Classification Theory, Theory of Integrative Levels, Domain Analysis


This paper discusses some theoretical aspects for the organization and structuring of the domain culture. Due to the complexity emphasized by the experts on the main concept involving the domain, theories of traditional classification are not sufficient for systemization. In this paper we discuss and propose a hybrid methodology using the Faceted Classification Theory of Ranganathan and the Theory of Integrative Levels of Classification Research Group, to assist in developing a classification structure. And Cognitivism, Domain Analysis of Hjørland and Polirepresentation of Ingwersen for understanding the domain and operation of mental processes and information needs of users. In order to  meet and point the various facets and complexity involving the concept culture, we present the conceptual discussion in literature, as well as its main schools of thought.


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How to Cite
Cardoso Rodrigues Anderson, L. (2015). The culture and the knowledge organization: theoretical and methodological challenges. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (32), 37-58.