Information literacy in Library and Information Science. A bibliometric analysis in the Latin American context (2001-2020)
This article analyzes the scientific production on ALFIN (2001-2020) in the areas of Library and Information Science. All BIC journals were identified from Latindex. Then it was verified whether these journals were contained in the following databases: Web of Science (Core Collection and Scielo Citation Index), Scopus, Lens and Dimensions. The Lens database was chosen for retrieving records on ALFIN and performing the bibliometric analysis, as it has the highest coverage of BIC journals in Latindex. The trend and growth of scientific production were evaluated according to authors and year of publication; the productivity of authors was analyzed using Lotka’s Law and the dispersion of the literature according to Bradford’s Law. The degree, index, and coefficient of collaboration were determined and collaboration networks were identified according to authors. The results show that scientific production on ALFIN in Latin America, reached a peak between 2017 and 2018, presenting a decrease from 2019 onwards. It was also observed that the production, collaboration among authors, and the quantity of journals is predominantly Brazilian.Downloads
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