"Hacer memoria". Clase, género y tradiciones locales en la construcción de una fuente oral
class, gender, oral history, Argentina, testimonies
The construction of an oral history source (in this case an interview), conflicts with different obstacles that must be overcome by both interviewer and interviewee. Class, gender and significant must be sifted within the context of the “ordinary culture” framing the experience of those interviewed. This articles discusses these issues arising in a collective interview with two former political prisoners: one belonging to the working class, and the other to middle sectors. The expressions, imaginary, and the testimony structure are impacted by the conflict between both visions, and between them and the interviewer. The result is a wealth in contrasts and in methodological problems that are suggestive to the researcher of worker subjectivity.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pozzi, P. (1). "Hacer memoria". Clase, género y tradiciones locales en la construcción de una fuente oral. Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (9), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.34096/hvm.n9.2826