El movimiento de pobladores y la Unidad Popular. Entrevista a Herminia Concha Galvez
The following article deals with the experience of the movement of inhabitants in the period of the Popular Unity government, 1970-1973. Its uniqueness is related to that is based on the story of Herminia Concha, a prominent revolutionary militant who, in her youth, joined the Trotskyists, being part of workers’ struggles and settlers, being also part of the founding of the Revolutionary Left Movement, of the Nicaraguan revolution, the struggle against the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, etc. In this sense, Herminia recounts his participation in taking land that gave birth to the emblematic Santiago’s population “The Pincoya”.Downloads
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How to Cite
Goicovic Donoso, I., & Dinamarca Opazo, R. (1). El movimiento de pobladores y la Unidad Popular. Entrevista a Herminia Concha Galvez. Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (8), 125-141. https://doi.org/10.34096/hvm.n8.1667