Beckett espectador de cine: intertextualidades en <i>Film</i> (1965)

  • María Florencia Capello
Keywords: literature and film, Avant-Garde, intertextuality


The idea of intertextuality is essential to Samuel Beckett’s only incursion into cinema. Film works with the history of cinema and subscribes to the tradition of avant-garde movies and silent films from the 1920s and 1930s. Through that choice, Film questions the forms of representatios of its contemporary narrative cinema. As an experimenter in a new medium, Beckett atetmpts to shape a new image for cinema, an image in tune with his literary and play-writing works, with the “poetics of emptyness” he displayed in his literature. 


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How to Cite
Capello, M. F. (1). Beckett espectador de cine: intertextualidades en <i>Film</i&gt; (1965). Beckettiana, (14), 81-91. Retrieved from