A vueltas con la nada. Notas sobre la traducción de <i>Texts for Nothing</i> al castellano

  • José Francisco Fernández
Keywords: Samuel Beckett, Texts for Nothing, Beckett Studies, translation, literary criticism


The translation of a work by Samuel Beckett presents a number of specific problems that any translator must be aware of. This is particularly relevant with such an evanescent narrative as Texts for Nothing (1955), a collection of fragments whose apparent message is to insist on the futility of any effort towards a meaningful existence. Apropos of a new translation of Texts for Nothing into Spanish, a close inspection of the structure of the different pieces has revealed a solid and careful craftsmanship on the part of the author, which belies any simplistic or hasty conclusion as to the nature of the narrative itself. 


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How to Cite
Fernández, J. F. (1). A vueltas con la nada. Notas sobre la traducción de <i>Texts for Nothing</i&gt; al castellano. Beckettiana, (13), 17-24. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas2.filo.uba.ar/index.php/Beckettiana/article/view/1450