Traducir a Francia, volverse francés: universalismo, dislocación y trauma en Darío

  • Mariano Siskind
Keywords: French signifier, global modernism, universalism, marginal cosmopolitanism


In this excerpt of Mariano Siskind’s Deseos cosmopolitas. Modernidad global y literatura mundial en América Latina, the author analyzes the ways in which Darío cleverly manipulates the distance separating an imagined place of enunciation of his own, and the cultural location of the French signifier within the global networks of modernist signification. Instead of returning to the tired trope of Darío’s Francophilia, this text attempts to rethink Darío’s relation to all things French as a strategy of cultural modernization consisting in a double decentering of French culture and Latin American literature, in order to reinvent them dislocated, strange to themselves and out of place. 


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How to Cite
Siskind, M. (1). Traducir a Francia, volverse francés: universalismo, dislocación y trauma en Darío. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 135-152.