Problemas en el estudio de las literaturas indígenas

  • José Alberto Barisone
Keywords: Indigenous literature, discourse


This paper presents the state of the issue related to “Indigenous Literature” studies, done by Latin American Literature specialists and historians, taking into account those that specifically belong to the Mexican area. Its denomination has been checked, and the heterogeneity of the Indian speech nature, the transcription and translation of the methodological and theoretical approaches has also been reviewed. Finally, we propose the necessity of including the Indigenous text in the Latin American Literature programs. Our proposal is based on the following hypothesis: 1. Even if it is essential to pay attention to the heterogeneous configuration of the Indigenous speech production, the literary view on some texts should not be avoided; 2. It is necessary to aim study and analysis in an interdisciplinary way and 3. Selected texts for its inclusion in the Latin American Literature History programs should not be reduced only to canonic pieces of work. Instead, works written after the Conquest, and even the reinterpretation done by non Indigenous writers of those works should also be included in programs. 


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How to Cite
Barisone, J. A. (1). Problemas en el estudio de las literaturas indígenas. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 5(5), 153-167.
Dossier. Estudios literarios coloniales: nuevas perspectivas