Yo (él) en "Muerte sin fin" de Gorostiza: la sustancia y la forma

  • Fernando Castaños
Keywords: Poetry, "Muerte sin fin", José Gorostiza, contemporáneos, death


The present paper presents an analytical reading of José Gorostiza’s poem on which writers and academics in Mexico have spoken and written extensively and with great admiration. It is a poem that Octavio Paz, to synthesize content and grasp its constitution, identified as “rock crystal watch.” This is perhaps the most important work of a group called the Contemporáneos, which, in its aesthetic and its public attitudes, opposed to the degradation and abuse of the nationalism in the culture of post-revolutionary regime of México, and in doing so opened the intellectual horizons, independent from government power. 


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How to Cite
Castaños, F. (1). Yo (él) en "Muerte sin fin" de Gorostiza: la sustancia y la forma. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 5(5), 39-54. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a5.n5.1140