The reissue and reappropriation of Las veladas de la quinta, and liberal journalism in 19th century Mexico

  • Mariana Ozuna Castañeda
Keywords: Genlis, reading, edition, 19th, Mexico


This article proposes reedition as a key to the comprehension for the permanence of 18th sensibility aesthetic, while french feuilleton became the new hegemonic style in Mexican press. Les veillées du château (Tales of the castle…) by Madame de Genlis was first published in 1784, and because of its style and fame of the author as an educator, rapidly the novel turned into a bestseller, therefore it was translated to English and Spanish. The article proposes this novel reeditions of the Spanish translation in Mexico were possible. because it was appropriated by the modern political project in Mexico, where women were expected to become espouses and educators. On the other hand, the romantic style penetrated Mexican audiences through two main newspapers: El Siglo Diez y Nueve and El Monitor Republicano. Sue, Balzac, Hugo and overall Dumas were translated and read, therefore turned models for the new aesthetic, where crime and immoral passions were exhibited. The permanence of the novel by Madame de Genlis shows parallel printing and reading practices: pedagogical, private, as part of rising moral citizenship at home; for entertainment, and as part of a wide contemporary audience. Both different aspects of modernity in Mexican 19th printing and reading practices.


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How to Cite
Ozuna Castañeda, M. (2021). The reissue and reappropriation of Las veladas de la quinta, and liberal journalism in 19th century Mexico. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 13(13), 169-181.
Dossier. Del texto al libro: escenas de edición en México (siglos XVII-XX)