A New Estimate of the Argentine Cost of Living Index, 1912-1932
Statistics contribute to the understanding of events by objectifying phenomena, as they are perceived to reflect or be an approximation of reality. This perception is based on the premise that statistical tools are straightforward, apolitical facts. However, quantification and its results are not objective. Definitions are needed beforehand to determine the phenomenon to be measured and the aim of the quantification. Thus, statistics face debates on methods, interpretation and use. Using the first estimate of the Argentine cost of living index (COLI) as a case study and following the process of de-construction/construction/re-construction of statistics, this article studies how statistics are made. In the de-construction phase, the paper analyses various reports to arrive at an understanding of how the COLI, elaborated by Alejandro Bunge, was originally estimated. The construction stage discusses the methodology that he used. The pitfalls that come from the assumptions and methods underlying the index are demonstrated using data available at that time. Lastly, the COLI is re-constructed by correcting its main pitfalls using the information available when the series were initially developed to depict how different assumptions result in different series. A new estimate of the COLI is elaborated for the period 1912-1932.Downloads
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