Chronicle of a historiographic dissatisfaction. Commentary to Sergio Serulnikov. The power of disagreement. Political culture and crisis of the Spanish government. Chuquisaca, 1777-1809

  • Gustavo L. Paz Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero/Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” (UBA-CONICET)
Keywords: Political culture, colonial government, revolution, Chuquisaca


Historiographic consideration on the political culture of the late-colonial period and its impact regarding the publication of Sergio Serulnikov's recent book, El poder del disenso, which proposes a long-term revisionist look at the crisis of the Spanish colonial order in the Andes.


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How to Cite
Paz, G. L. (2024). Chronicle of a historiographic dissatisfaction. Commentary to Sergio Serulnikov. The power of disagreement. Political culture and crisis of the Spanish government. Chuquisaca, 1777-1809. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (61), 129-134.
Debate II: El poder del disenso. Cultura política y crisis del gobierno colonial