Student Movements during the Latin American Cold War. A Situated Review of Local, Comparative and Transnational Perspectives
This work seeks to interrogate and systematize viewspoints on student activism during three decades of recent Latin American history (1960, 1970 and 1980), during the Cold War. The academic literature on the student movement experienced a boom during the sixties and seventies, although during the following decade scholars claimed that student mobilization was losing centrality. Nonetheless, resistance against neoliberal higher education policy stimulated new interest in the student movement. The development and consolidation of Global History and the transnational approach also contributed to the expansion of the field of study. In that framework, we propose some analytical interrogations: What did scholars from the academic centers say about the “student power”? And from Latin America? Is it possible to establish lines of comparison between regional and national cases? What are the limits and powers of transnational and comparative perspectives? To answer those questions, we outline two elements of our geography: on the one hand, the political-organizational traditions of the university such as the University Reform of 1918; and, on the other hand, the local socio-political mid and long-term history.Downloads
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