Book review about: Devastación. Violencia civilizada contra los indios de las llanuras del Plata y Sur de Chile (Siglos XVI a XIX), by Sebastián L. Alioto, Juan F. Jiménez & Daniel Villar (comps.) (2018).

  • Sasha Quindimil Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: genocide, Patagonia, Araucanía, violence


This book, Edited by Sebastián Alioto, Juan F. Jiménez y Daniel Villar, is a significant contribution to the scientific knowledge, specifically focused on the development and variations of interethnic violence during the 16th and 19th centuries. It seeks to determine whether the practices carried out either by the Spanish imperial state, the poscolonial political formations that emerged after the wars of independence or the National states could be classified as genocide. The book not only points out to new research problems and lines of study, engaging in dialogues and discussions inside the field of Indian history; it also reflects a deep commitment with the cause of Indian communities and the human rights. Thus, it is a required reading for students and specialist, and a valuable tool for professors and political activists.


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How to Cite
Quindimil, S. (2020). Book review about: Devastación. Violencia civilizada contra los indios de las llanuras del Plata y Sur de Chile (Siglos XVI a XIX), by Sebastián L. Alioto, Juan F. Jiménez & Daniel Villar (comps.) (2018). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 28(2), 184-186.
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