The “uses” of Tomás Paniri: scientific, indigenous and state action in the northern Andes of Chile

  • Carlos M. Chiappe Universidad Católica del Norte, Instituto de Arqueología y Antropología, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. San pedro
Keywords: Atacameños, Chile, indigenous rebellions, heritage


In 1993, the Chilean State recognized the preexistence of diverse ethnic groups in the national territory and suggested specialized policies, since then the Atacameños from Antofagasta Region initiated an organization process which places them, nowadays, as significant actors in the discussions about the administration of the territory and their resources. The combination between elements of the expert -or scientific- knowledge and the traditional -or ethnic- knowledge has an important role in the strategies developed. This article presents a case study: the use of the figure of Tomás Paniri, an indigenous leader of the 18th century. Throughout the paper three moments are distinguished: first, his creation as historical individual through the documentary discoveries (1970-ad); second, his transformation as symbol of the Atacameño movement (1990-ad) and third, his incorporation to the state narratives of the multicultural. The objective is to show the different types of articulation between the Atacameños, the academic field and the State and also the underlying tensions in which the category of the Atacameño is inscribed.


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How to Cite
Chiappe, C. M. (2020). The “uses” of Tomás Paniri: scientific, indigenous and state action in the northern Andes of Chile. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 28(1).
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