Regulations on marriage and indigenous residence in the jurisdiction of Córdoba (Gobernación del Tucumán, 1573-1598)

  • Lucas Borrastero
Keywords: marriage regulations, indigenous societies, jurisdiction of Córdoba (Gobernación del Tucumán), hispanization


In this paper we will analyze the regulations of marriage and indigenousresidence, established for the jurisdiction of Córdoba, as a constituent part ofTucumán’s Governance, between 1573 -when the city was founded- and 1598,when a normative exchange related to marriage and indigenous residenceconcludes between the Governor of Tucumán, Pedro Mercado de Peñaloza,and the neighbors of Córdoba. The current analysis seeks to contribute to thestudy of the characteristics acquired by the domination system set up by theencomienda de servicios personales (personal services) and the general process of“hispanización” (hispanization) of indigenous societies within the jurisdictionof Córdoba during the first decades of colonial domination.


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How to Cite
Borrastero, L. (2019). Regulations on marriage and indigenous residence in the jurisdiction of Córdoba (Gobernación del Tucumán, 1573-1598). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 27(1), 31-50.
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