The Jesuit conquest of the northwest of New Spain

  • Bernd Hausberger Universidad Libre de Berlín
Keywords: mission, conquest, war, interethnic relations


The Jesuit Missions of  Northwest New Spain were the result of skillfull interaction and colaboration between the military forces of the Spanish Colonial system and the missionaries. The invaders knew how to manipulate the interethnic struggles and took adventage of the horror caused by epidemics and the attacks of slave hunters. Besides, they used a strict division of functions. While militaries applied violent repression severly punishing those found guilty in acts of resistance. Jesuits offered forgiveness, reconciliation and peace and were always careful not to appear identified with violent measures. Indian attempts to defend themselves of being submitted just accelerated their advance. However, the structural basis that would strongly influence the development of missional communities, causing some problems to the Spaniards, were settled in this phase. 


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How to Cite
Hausberger , B. (2005). The Jesuit conquest of the northwest of New Spain. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 131-168. Retrieved from
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