From the archeology/ethnohistory relationship to the study of ethnic identities in historical perspective: deconstructing the Tehuelche

  • Lidia R. Nacuzzi CONICET/ Sección Etnohistoria, ICA - FFyL, UBA
Keywords: ethnic identities, deconstructing, Patagonia, reflections


In this paper, I present a reflection of my practice of Ethnohistory/ Historical Anthropology developed in three stages. Durin the first one, I render a diachronic approach to the vision of the population in certain areas of Patagonia, identifying -based on interethnic contacts- different moments. In the second stage, I look for the relationship between Ethnohistory and Archaeology, underlying data that could render more congruence to the archaeological register. The third stage was guided by the theme of my Ph. D. thesis, the Tehuelches of north Patagonia, and was organized following three axis: ethnic identity, territorial organization and chiefdomships. 


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How to Cite
Nacuzzi, L. R. (2000). From the archeology/ethnohistory relationship to the study of ethnic identities in historical perspective: deconstructing the Tehuelche. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 9, 253-271. Retrieved from