A theoretical-methodological proposal regarding territorial transformation. Pulmarí and its rhizomes

  • Alexis Papazian FFyL-UBA
Keywords: multiterritoriality, conflicts, archive(s), field


This article is part of the studies and field trips carried out in the Pulmarí region -Aluminé department, Neuquén province, Argentina- between 2007 and 2017. Taking into account the field work, the survey of different archives and the contributions generated from geography and critical cartography, we propose a way of territorial understanding which observes the interstices and the vessel-communicators between logics that, initially, are presented in parallel and without possible connections. This type of approach to territoryrequires crossing space with time in order to generate the historical depth that allows explaining the agencies and the particular reemergence of each territory. Likewise, we propose connections with “the outskirts” that stress and bend the territory. Like a river the territory is in constant movement, but those movements are layers, hence the importance of including these pasts-presents in the ways of being in the territory.


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How to Cite
Papazian, A. (2021). A theoretical-methodological proposal regarding territorial transformation. Pulmarí and its rhizomes. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 29(2), 98-110. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v29i2.10258
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