Can precarious subjects act?

  • Malena Nijensohn
Keywords: vulnerability, resistance, public asssemblies, hegemonic articulation, radical and plural democracy


In this article, I propound an analysis of the demonstrations and the assemblies accomplished by the feminist movement in Argentina in the last two years, through the concepts of “plural performativity” by Judith Butler and “hegemonic articulation” by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. The point of departure is an examination of neoliberal techniques of government as inducing precarity to think the possibility of resistance through street politics. This will involve a substantial change regarding the traditional conception of vulnerability and resistance, which I hope will give a breath of fresh air to political reflexion. Without expecting an exhaustive conclusion with respect to the path of feminism in Argentina since 2015, that only the future will have the possibility to estimate, I do propound an analysis of its strength and its limitations in terms of a radicalization and a pluralization of democracy. 


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How to Cite
Nijensohn, M. (1). Can precarious subjects act?. Cuadernos De filosofía, (69), 105-118.
Dossier. Filosofía, sexo y género (Cecilia Macón y Mariela Solana, editoras)