La primera proposición del <i>Liber de Causis</i> y la causalidad metafísica del primer principio según las lecturas de Alberto Magno y Tomás de Aquino

  • Jorge M. Machetta
Keywords: aristotelism, neoplatonism, first and second causes


This paper focused mainly on the crisis caused by the emergence of Aristoteles´texts and their relation to the Liber de Causis and its axioms. Two interpretations are particularly outstanding, namely that of Albert the Great –who argues in favor of the peripatetic lineage of the Liber de Causis- and Thomas Aquinas –who demonstrates its dependence on the platonic theology of Proclus-. Thus, we enter a decisive stage in the conception of the metaphysics of causality, one whose influence on the posterity of medieval and modern philosophy will prove determinant. 


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How to Cite
Machetta, J. M. (1). La primera proposición del <i>Liber de Causis</i&gt; y la causalidad metafísica del primer principio según las lecturas de Alberto Magno y Tomás de Aquino. Cuadernos De filosofía, (66), 7-15.