El estupor ante la Belleza inteligible. Proclo o lo que nos constituye como seres humanos

  • José M. Nieva
Keywords: stupor, intelligible beauty, conversion


The third intelligible triad is defined by Proclus as “Alive in herself” referred to in Plato’Timaeus. This is also understood as Intellect that, as it is the last term of the triad Being-Life-Intellect, delimits the lower level of the intelligible reality where the inside of the unitary mutiplicity of the intelligible Forms is found. In chapter 18 of book III his Platonic Theology “Alive in herself” is considered as the most beautiful object of intellection as it is determined by the intelligible Beauty which is considered as the Form of Forms. She has the power of penetrating in the soul, shaking it profoundly and turning it towards herself. This paper sets out that this stupor and the conversión of the soul is the conscience of what makes us human being, or in the other words, the self constitution of the soul in her self reflexivity. 


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How to Cite
Nieva, J. M. (1). El estupor ante la Belleza inteligible. Proclo o lo que nos constituye como seres humanos. Cuadernos De filosofía, (64), 83-89. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n64.3482