El viviente humano en la <i>Respuesta a Porfirio</i> de Jámblico

  • José Molina Ayala
Keywords: soul, body, living being, animation, hierarchy


This article shows the way in which Iamblichus understands the human soul when it is united to the body, especially in the most important passages of his Response to Porphyry; it is concern with a syntaxis, i.e., a relation of two heterogeneous elements that form one living being, and that are hierarchically arranged so that one of them, the soul, is superior to the other, the body. In the case of human beings, this syntaxis is analogous, not identical, to the relationship other higher beings establish with other bodies, such as the case of the gods that relate to the celestial bodies. 


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How to Cite
Molina Ayala, J. (1). El viviente humano en la <i>Respuesta a Porfirio</i&gt; de Jámblico. Cuadernos De filosofía, (64), 61-81. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n64.3481