Some considerations about the value and its relationship with democracy and other capitalist fetishes

  • Andrés Piqueras Infante Universitat Jaume I, Castelló
Keywords: Merchandise, Value, Fetishization, Reformism, Democracy


The paper tries to show the binding relationship that exists in the mode of capitalist production between merchandise, value and profit, as its basic categories, and politics as an artificially separated sphere of society. This is intended to reveal on the one hand the false appearance of the autonomy of politics in these societies, and on the other the illusory forms of democracy that accompany him, because the demands of value made as capital prevail above any social, political, moral, aesthetic or religious considerations. Since the objective possibilities of gaining surplus value and profitability due to capital overaccumulation are currently stuck, a decline in the democratic realizations –and specially in the options of reformism- in the political sphere are given in correspondence, as the later manifests itself as an expression of the law of value.


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How to Cite
Piqueras Infante, A. (2019). Some considerations about the value and its relationship with democracy and other capitalist fetishes. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (49).