The transformations in the “villera” identity. The conflictive construction of sense.

  • María Cristina Cravino Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Keywords: Urban Anthropology, identity, urban conflicts, habitableness politics, shantytown (villa)


The present issue aspires analyze the transformations of sense of the “villero” category in the 90's. In other words, how this sense and its contents were built starting from of the glances that the ways of communications, governmental actors and the proper “villeros” have. The point of departure is the narrow relationship between this new “villera” identity and the social process that happened since the structural crisis of the early of 80's and the governmental actions as the urban propositions to this sector, in the Buenos Aires City .


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Author Biography

María Cristina Cravino, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Investigadora docente de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
How to Cite
Cravino, M. C. (1). The transformations in the “villera” identity. The conflictive construction of sense. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (15).