Actores y representaciones en la patrimonialización de las agrupaciones del carnaval porteño

  • Analía Canale Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Hernán Morel Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Cultural heritage, Carnival groups, Cultural policies, Buenos Aires City, Analysis and management of culture


At the end of 1997 the activities of the “porteño” carnival groups are declared Cultural Heritage of Buenos Aires City, as part of a process of revaluation of popular manifestations. This process, although it began with little connection with state cultural policies, has gained fresh impetus as from the cultural heritage declaration, the groups increasing in number, institutionalizing in a civil association and becoming the relationships among them and with the local state more complex. We have made the revision and have described the frame of the different conceptions at work in the current heritage policies and have analyzed the process by which the porteñas carnival activities be came part of the heritage bearing mind the conception of heritage at the play with the agents involved. We have likewise made an evaluation of the incidence of the cultural heritage declaration in the development of the carnival activities, reflecting on the problematic instances deriving from the management of so called intangible cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Canale, A., & Morel, H. (1). Actores y representaciones en la patrimonialización de las agrupaciones del carnaval porteño. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (21).