The accumulators of territories. The Kaan, a belligerent dynasty

  • Pablo Alberto Mumary Farto
Keywords: Calakmul, Yuhkno’m, Kaan, Classical period, Political activity, Emblem glyph


During the Classic period, especially the Late Classic (600-900 A.C.), one dynasty dominated over the others in the Maya lowlands. The Kaanajaw’ob came to control a large territory, through a network of alliances that allowed them to control the rise of new lords in different strategic centers. Nonetheless, their original and final sites are still being discussed among the scholars. We will assess this subject through the latest findings.


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How to Cite
Mumary Farto, P. A. (1). The accumulators of territories. The Kaan, a belligerent dynasty. Arqueología, 22(2), 361-377.