First analysis of the Moreno 314 site’s tableware

  • Miriam Wagner Instituto Nacional De Antropología Y Pensamiento Latinoamericano • 3 de Febrero 1370/78
Keywords: Trash, Century, Tableware, Creamware, Pearlware


The archaelogical Collection Moreno 314 is the result of an archeological rescue made in 1998 by a group of archaeologist of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL). The site was in a centric area of Buenos Aires city and was identified as a trash deposit used in XVIII and XIX centuries. From the site were recovered different materials, among them, glass, bony rest of animals, ceramics and metals. Since years 2005, a new group of archaeologists came to the analysis of materials. In this work, the first conclusions emerge concerning techno-morphologic analysis of tableware. Types of tableware was identified as Creamware, Pearlware, Whiteware, in different shapes and forms, identifiyng the existence of jars, games of set of dishes and tea. Tableware is very diverse in the type of decoration and designs; it has been made in its majority in England displaying the marks Spode Coperland and Davenport, among others. Valuable games of tableware have been recovered, which would entail a considerable investment of money to obtain them by the residents of the state. At the same time, a vestige of the particularity of the site regarding its role in Buenos Aires city history has been detected; this vestige indicates material daily use and reposition of material.


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How to Cite
Wagner, M. (1). First analysis of the Moreno 314 site’s tableware. Arqueología, 17, 259-267.