The temporality of practices: Landscape organization and memory-ways in present communities of the South Andean Altiplano. The case of Villa Candelaria, Nor Lípez, Bolivia

  • Juan Pablo Guagliardo Instituto Nacional De Antropología Y Pensamiento Latinoamericano • 3 de Febrero 1378 (c1426bJn), Ciudad De Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Social Memory, Southern Andean Societies, Inscribed And Embodied Practices, Social Production And Reproduction


In this paper we explore many inscribed and embodied practices performed by farmers of Villa Candelaria (Nor Lípez, Bolivia) in their daily lives and in commemorative ceremonies in order to identify some ways in which social memory is reproduced. The registered actions and representations showed an intercultural net of interweaved histories which were reformulated across the space and time, mediated by capitalists power relations. This article is part of the group of ethnographic and etnohistoric studies that indissolubly joined social production and reproduction. Its purpose is to generate interpretative resources that may allow the analysis of the agrarian landscapes of southern Andean societies in their own historical dimension 


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How to Cite
Guagliardo, J. P. (1). The temporality of practices: Landscape organization and memory-ways in present communities of the South Andean Altiplano. The case of Villa Candelaria, Nor Lípez, Bolivia. Arqueología, 17, 195-220.