Theoretical and methodological tools for the analysis of change in lithic technology: Contributions from an evolutionary perspective

  • Federico Restifo
Keywords: Artifacts, Types, Population variation, Materialism, Essentialism


From an evolutionary perspective, we present a discussion of theoretical and methodological concepts for the study of archaeological lithic artifact variation. Thus, on the basis of the materialist ontology un-derlying Darwinian evolution, we discuss the concept of the dynamics of technological change as well as the units of analysis to address their study. We highlight the role of artifacts and their attributes as the main units, and we discuss the limitations of temporal units as Paleoindian and Archaic. In order to do this, we present a case study focused on the changes undergone by hunting technology in the Puna of Salta Province (Argentina) throughout the Early and Middle Holocene.


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How to Cite
Restifo, F. (1). Theoretical and methodological tools for the analysis of change in lithic technology: Contributions from an evolutionary perspective. Arqueología, 19(3), 125-149.