"...close your eyes and narrate..." Meditations on a narrative view of the archaelogical practice

  • Leandro D'Amore
Keywords: Narrative, Lenguage, Archaeology, Past, Object, Excavation


The text presents a narrative perspective of archaeological practice. The theme is the narrative treated like a cognitive status insistently presents in the nature of archaeological practice and its representations of the past. The purpose is to present only some topics of the incidence and relevance of narrative, sometimes tacitly covert and sometimes manifest in archaeology as Western discipline. The article tests a particular perspective through: the recognition of a narrative configuration of the practice of knowing the past, the traditional dilemma between science (that explains) and literature (that narrates), and the course towards a narrative aptitude.


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How to Cite
D’Amore, L. (1). ".close your eyes and narrate." Meditations on a narrative view of the archaelogical practice. Arqueología, 19(3), 33-52. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t19.n0.1673