Analysis of llama clay whistles (Jujuy, northern argentine Puna)

  • Martina Pérez
  • Roberto Velázquez Cabrera
Keywords: Zoomorphic, ceramic figurines, Archaeology, Acoustic, Morphology, Puna


 In this study we present the results of the analysis carried out on a series of ceramic zoomorphic figurines from the Northern Argentine puna. These are llama-shaped, globular clay whistles without air-ducts or pitch-holes. We undertook an acoustic and morphological analysis of these figurines based on existing knowledge concerning the archaeological study of ancient musical artifacts. This included archaeological methods and techniques, as well as the use of scientific and technological methods. The archaeological investigation included provenance studies and the technological and morphological analysis of the figurines using radiographic and endoscopic methods. Finally, we suggest a number of hypothesis concerning the possible use of these figurines, contextualizing these artifacts within the important herding activity practiced in this area during the late pre-Hispanic period.


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How to Cite
Pérez, M., & Velázquez Cabrera, R. (1). Analysis of llama clay whistles (Jujuy, northern argentine Puna). Arqueología, 21(1), 13-30.